#hooverville (My studio)

During the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover wasn’t all that popular.  You could tell by the new terminology that popped up. 

A Hoover blanket was an old newspaper a homeless person would use as a cover while sleeping on a park bench.  A Hoover flag was an empty pocket turned inside out.  Hoover leather was cardboard used to line a shoe when the sole wore through.
So why am I calling my studio Hooverville?  Oh – just a clarification first.  That’s Hooverville, not Hooterville.

Well my husband and I downsized recently.  Kids left home and all that; you know the story.  I do have shared studio space available once a week, but when I draw at home, the 4 feet available to me in the corner of the room has to suffice.  (You may have noticed – some of my drawings are 4 feet wide.)
Buy hey – you know what?  I actually do manage quite well, and I’m luckier than most.  And the space is too small to get messy!  So that’s a bonus.  (By the way, my husband plays the tuba, so he’s no better off.)